Mohanad Banbouk: Racer, Rider and a Dj had a live presentation about motorcycle safety at Emirates bikes festival saying :
Most of us do our training in town, not country roads, they are different so we need to apply our skills, knowledge, and ability in a different way.
Leave plenty of room between you and the vehicle in front.
Be able to stop in the distance you can see to be clear.
If the vehicle behind is too close give yourself more room in the front.
Always remember safety equipment.
Emirates bikes festival, ‘Final Cut Events was Established In Dubai – United Arab Emirates in January 2014 with the Purpose of organizing exhibitions, conferences, and special events, the company focuses on organizing special sports events as well as coming up with creative and distinct methods for entertainment activities that suitable for all family members. The personal of Final Cut Events company possesses extensive expertise of more than 20 years in organizing special events. Our company has a strong collaboration with an associate named Fine Arts – Kuwait, Stunt Master cup and IMBBA, Supported by Dubai sports council in most of the creative events organized by Final Cut Events.’