Big Head Bandz Sheds Light On The Dangerous Drug ‘Limelight’

On March 31, 2019, at 2:50 pacific standard time, Nipsey Hussle was murdered in cold blood. From Crenshaw to the Mayan Ruins in Mexico, everyone worldwide felt an indescribable pain inside their heart. I love running because I can dream, re-focus, cry, and visualize new life mountains I want to conquer. Two years later, I still can’t figure out why anyone could kill a person who’s empowering people, investing in their neighborhood, and creating millionaires.    

Nipsey Hussle embodies any and everything connected to the word: LEADER. How many rappers actually ‘BUY THE BLOCK’? Rappers add this phrase to their lyrics, but Nipsey Hussle bought the block, launched a multi-million-dollar clothing store, employed local felons, and generated millions of dollars inside the community.    

Hate develops from all forms inside a person’s heart and mind. Eric Holder’s name is forever linked to Nipsey Hussle. Eric Holder decided to seek ‘LIMELIGHT’ by ending the life of Nipsey Hussle. Eric Holder knew killing Nipsey Hussle inside the Marathon Clothing Store meant he was ending his life simultaneously. It didn’t matter because the power of the drug ‘LIMELIGHT’ blinds people every day.  

Major Recording Artist/Entrepreneur Big Head Bandz speaks truth to power on every track in Hip-Hop. Big Head Bandz’s soul is two-sided, enabling him to create lyrics that speak to the heart of hustlers worldwide. 90% of rap artists underestimate the power and lethal danger of Hip-Hop’s most dangerous element: ‘LIMELIGHT.’  Becoming famous in Hip-Hop is different from any other profession in life. Coming from nothing in the Black Community via Hip-Hop creates adoration, idol worship, extreme financial expectations, and relentless hate.    Big Head Bandz narrates the ugly truth on his latest commercial release, “LIMELIGHT’.  Big Head Bandz transformed his street-oriented lifestyle into an ultra-successful entertainment company and artist brand. Understanding the mentality of your community is a complicated puzzle to solve. The desire to bring ‘everyone with you on your journey of success comes at a high price. Big Head Bandz decodes the dark secrets of staying true to the game and realizing that survival is based on adaptability and not believing your own hype. In the words of Big Head Bandz, “life’s an ice-cold dice roll.” Big Head Bandz is CEO of Got Bandz Entertainment, LLC and a Global Advocate of RADIOPUSHERS and RESULTSANDNOHYPE.   

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