Delroy Lindo has been cast in a lead role of the upcoming Amazon series adaptation of the Neil Gaiman novel “Anansi Boys,” Variety has learned. “Anansi...
“Arthur,” the iconic animated children’s series about an lovable aardvark, is finishing after its 25th season. The longest-running children’s animated series in the history of American...
In his return of broadcast TV, Dylan McDermott crafted a compelling villain in Richard Wheatley on NBC’s Law and Order: Organized Crime. Fans loved to hate...
HBO Max’s upcoming drama, “Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin,” has tracked down its leading woman. Freeform’s “Pretty Little Liars” reboot has projected “Great Witch” star Bailee...
In the midst of discusses a new season of Manifest, one of the dropped NBC series’ center cast individuals, Matt Long, has booked another pilot at...
Purportedly, Pratik Gandhi and Richa Chadha had been signed a web-series, ‘Six Suspects’, the official adaptation of writer Vikas Swarup’s 2016 book by a similar name....
A live-action Pokemon series is underway at Netflix. A TV project dependent on the wildly popular trading cards and video games is in early development at...
What sets MiraQle apart? There are no other companies in the blockchain sphere that have all the components that we have. We built all of this...
What makes you stand out? Instead of operating in the music industry the same way our competitors do, we chose to take a different approach. This...
Jai Courtney (Jolt) is set for a key recurring role inverse Chris Pratt on Amazon’s conspiracy-thriller series The Terminal List, in light of Jack Carr’s top...