Lacretta is set as an series regular in NBC’s half-hour pilot Night Court, a follow-up to the classic legal comedy series that’s headlined and executive produced...
New Line has found some fresh meat for Evil Dead Rise, the latest chapter in the Evil Dead horror franchise. Gabrielle Echols, Morgan Davies and Nell...
In front of its Season 1 finale, psychological thriller “Brutal Summer” is getting a second season at Freeform subsequent to turning into the network’s most-watched series...
Show has been grounded. NBC has chosen to cancel the missing plane mystery thriller after three seasons, The Hollywood Reporter has affirmed. The news comes regardless...
Achieving success in a competitive music space demands a lot of requirements from the growing artist. It requires talent, dedication, passion, the will to break through,...
Die Hard scribe Stuart has been tapped to compose Netflix’s live-action adaptation of Assassin’s Creed, Deadline has affirmed. The task has been being development at Netflix...
Jack Black and Ice Cube are joining for Sony satire Oh Hell No. Black is in talks with star with Ice Cube in the project that...
A virtual press conference for the revealing of Mostofa Sarwar Farooki’s debut web series “Ladies and Gentlemen” was held today at 4 pm. The ZEE 5...
Recently declared for Marvel’s Avengers, the present Square Enix E3 Showcase gave a first appropriate glance at Black Panther who joins the superhero roster in a...
Ned Beatty, the indelible character actor whose first film role as an genial vacationer brutally raped by a backwoodsman in 1972′s “Deliverance” launched him on a...