Gmail and Android now receives new animated swipe action

Subsequent to reading your email on the Android Gmail app, clients can utilize “Mail swipe actions” to delete, archive, mark as read/mark as unread, snooze, mark as, and move to messages. Each swipe is an different color and each action is joined by an different color, yet to make it much simpler to tell the different gesture actions apart, Google has added some animation.

For instance, mark as perused will show the fold of an envelope closing. Delete an email and the trash can lid rises, and resting an email will spin the clock.

As per they, you ought to before long have the latest version of Gmail for Android installed on your phone. Google has been adding little things here and there in order to improve the application. For instance, in February Google added confirmatory vibration feedback so clients don’t make an accidental swipe on the wrong spot.

To ensure that your Gmail application is completely up to date, your Android telephone ought to be running form 2021.03.07 which was released simply a week ago. It is significant for you to understand that the activitys are not available on the iOS version of the application.

You can discover the Gmail for Android app in the Google Play Store. These are little things that probably won’t appear as though a big deal however they are important to clients.

Categories: Technology
Priyanka Patil:

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