Google Maps presently gauges toll charges for your journey

Another Google Maps highlight that gauges the sum you’ll need to pay in tolls to drive a given course has begun showing up in the Android and iOS applications, as per Google.

Android Police reports seeing the new toll evaluating in the application, however it’s not yet noticeable on a couple of gadgets we’ve attempted along a similar course. The toll highlight was first reported by Google in April.

Google says that showed toll evaluating depends on “trusted information from local tolling authorities,” and requires toll fees of day into account while working out the complete expense. There’s likewise still a switch to “avoid tolls” when calculating routes.

Google Maps has recently had the option to caution you when a cost is payable by and large on an journey, yet not work out what that cost could add up to.

As per Google, the feature is accessible for “nearly 2000” toll roads in the US, India, Japan and Indonesia for its iOS and Android applications. It says it intends to add support in additional nations “soon.”

Categories: Technology
Tags: Google Maps
Raeesa Sayyad:


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