How Bagzamilleon Overcome Adversity to Make a Name for Himself in the Music Industry

Dominic Nicholson, who goes by the stage name Bagzamilleon has one of the best come-back stories. He is a testament to how someone can turn things around for the better. Bagz beat all odds and is now on the verge of becoming one of the best upcoming trap musicians. Despite the many troubles he faced in his early life, Bagzamilleon strives to make a name for himself. From being homeless, living in the streets, to surviving a gunshot, he refuses to be a victim of circumstances.

Dominic was born in 1988 and lived with his mother and four siblings in Rochester, New York. His father was consistently absent. Unfortunately, he never got to complete high school as he dropped out in the 9th grade after being expelled from school. The worst was yet to come when he accidentally shot his brother while playing with a 38 caliber gun. Naturally, he knew he was in trouble and fled his home, never to return. He was only 12.

Street life was his only option, and Bagz had to survive the harsh conditions for the next ten years. Not the perfect environment for a teenager because drug addicts and hard-core criminals often surrounded him. A gunshot wound on his leg is a reminder of how tough things were.

However, Bagzamilleon’s love for music, determination, and hard work helped him overcome the challenges. His biggest inspiration came from artists such as Jay Z, 2Pac, Biggie, among others. He has managed to leave his past behind him. He believes his love for music and God helped him survive the streets. His song Ethel Street is a reflection of his life on the streets.

Music was something that he was passionate about from an early age. At 12, he wrote his first lyrics, Why Pops. Over the years, he adapted to the ever-changing music. So far, Bagzamilleon has three albums to his name: Luigi, Check Is Clear, and Napoleon Mills. He is a real example of how you can transcend from grass to grace.

Categories: Entertainment
Hannah Barwell: Hannah Barwell is the most renowned for his short stories. She writes stories as well as news related to the technology. She wrote number of books in her five years career. And out of those books she sold around 25 books. She has more experience in online marketing and news writing. Recently she is onboard with Apsters Media as a freelance writer.

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