Kevin Sacchi ~ Personality Attaining Proficiency in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the notable trending crevice that accumulates a ton of opportunities and is the preference of many who want to strive for a vision in this. Among few digital entrepreneurs, who have a clear vision, and appropriate knowledge is Kevin Sacchi a professional digital marketer with a blooming journey.

Kevin Sacchi is a 20-year-old the youngest digital marketer. He impelled wise utility of the internet to attain as much mastery as he can and built his own enlightenment of success. He commenced with some searching about this field and learning professionally, as he did a diploma course in computer science which helped in his affixing to this digital niche really well.

Kevin Sacchi Voyage to Triumph.

Kevin born to Italian parents, Enrico Sacchi and Barbara Dondoni, is a man belonging to a very simple family with basic morals and disciplined lifestyle. His parents are freelancers and thus, following the footsteps of his parents, he is decided to work for himself in an early age. From being a kid who was bullied in his teen years to a reputable Founder and CEO of K S Digital force.

He initially was very much attracted towards the entertainment industry, and it was because of being bullied he was compelled to join martial art classes but utilizing his ability in a very optimistic way, he worked as a stunt artist in several movies. Being, a mastermind with computer technology he identified his ability to do something worth triumph and appreciation in a technical field. Resulting, he did a diploma course in Computer science which helped him excel in his technical skills.

Kevin Sacchi versatility.

Kevin is one of the reputable Social Media Managers in Italy. He is the eminent personality of the country who is currently managing several companies, brands, shops, restaurants and for private individuals, such as public figures or artists, etc.  He was very adamant since he was very young to do something worth appreciable and influential and to present himself as an example in front of the whole world.

Earlier, he worked as a stunt artist for a few movies because of his martial arts talents.
His very idiosyncratic quality of believing in one, self and never giving up, rose him to the heights of success when he stepped in the world of social networking. And in no time soon his name got included among the country’s top influencers. The platform like Triller(Music Video App) observing his tremendous following and success, declared him as their official ambassador in Italy.

Kevin’s achievements

He is the first INKFLUENCER, which is a parallel figure to influencer inspired by the world of tattoos and inspiring the world with it. Many VIPs like Michelle Hunziker, J-Ax, Marracadh, Nek etc. Wore the Inkfluencer brand. He is the founder, and CEO of the company K S Digital Force, a leading company which has 1500 celebrities. He is one of the most renowned and young digital entrepreneurs of the time.

His inkfluence can be clearly seen by looking at his social media handles like Instagram ( ) which are crossing the follower Fan club rapidly, who actively follow him. Being such an influential persona has given him many chances, and he got featured on several International sites such as FamousBirthday, IMDB, imposing magazines such as WEBSTARS MAGAZINE (Panini publishing house), radio important, international Apps such as (Akinator) and on TV on sky 124 in the series ‘Impractical Jokers’.

We wish him all the very best for his future plans.

Categories: Business
Hannah Barwell: Hannah Barwell is the most renowned for his short stories. She writes stories as well as news related to the technology. She wrote number of books in her five years career. And out of those books she sold around 25 books. She has more experience in online marketing and news writing. Recently she is onboard with Apsters Media as a freelance writer.

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