Meet General Secretary of Akhil Bhartiya Jat Mahasabha, Vijay Malik

You cannot become a good political and social worker if you are not determining, visionary, smart and professional. Today we will talk about a Rohtak based icon who is making his mark at a very young age none other than “Vijay Malik”

Aspirations begin by a dream that you see with open eyes, Success need not only be in the commercial or industrial sector, one such epitome is Mr. Vijay Malik who has a very unique fantasy.

When on dream, They usually fantasize of a job in corporate sector or becoming an IAS/IPS officer, but Mr Malik the epitome keeps a wide mind in doing social activity and he nurtures this fantasy. This 30 year political and social leader is blessed with both luck and talent of which he has made a valuable use.

Vijay says “I believe in putting 100% hard work and living without any regrets. And if you have worked enough, the results are always fruitful.”

Vijay Malik was born on 20th August 1991 in Bhainswal Kalan, Sonipat and bought up in Rohtak, He belongs to a very reputed family of Malik’s. Vijay Malik was into Construction line before entering in the political world.

Vijay Malik is focused right from an early age. He knows what to do in life, He has set his standard very high for life which is surely going to give him some fantastic results in upcoming years. He is not a guy who will be stopped at any hurdle in his life as he believes in bringing a fresh approach to his life.

You can follow Mr Malik on his Instagran handle by clicking on the link given below :

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