In an announcement of its founding, Physical Intelligence stated that its goal is to create artificial intelligence (AI) that will...
Today denotes the 117th birthday celebration of Jeong Ji-yong, a writer, translator, and teacher whose work encountered a resurgence in the late 1980s and who is...
Today’s Doodle celebrates the multidisciplinary whose wide-ranging interests and endless experimentation with various media and techniques, as well as mathematical concepts, led some to call him...
Google honours all the Fathers by creating a beautiful doodle on Father’s Day. On Father’s Day, Google Doodle illustrated the filial love that the world’s fathers...
This week will see a so-called ‘Strawberry Moon’ rising over the skies of the UK. In previous months, we’ve seen Snow Moons, Wolf Moons and even...
After a couple exciting and downpour truncated games in the 2019 World Cup, it’s the ideal opportunity for the marquee conflict among India and Pakistan on...
Father’s Day 2019 Gift Ideas: Father’s Day is just around the bend and it is the ideal chance to acquaint your dad with the most recent...
The 2019 Copa América began on Friday night with a solid debut from the top favorites: Brazil ruled Bolivia on their way to a simple 3-0...
The word ‘entrepreneurship’ means in a broader sense as a progression of action carried out by an entrepreneur to establish his venture. Entrepreneurship has opened many...
After two washed out games, Sri Lanka will be desperate to turn out all guns bursting however defending champion Australia’s depth will be difficult to beat...
In the United States, Flag Day is celebrated every year on 14 June to recognize the day on which the nation adopted its acclaimed stars and...