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Scientists are Perplexed by Tiny Luminous Particles Found at the Dawn of the Universe



The genesis and growth of galaxies and their supermassive black holes are upended by brilliant, extremely red objects previously observed in the early cosmos, according to a recent discovery made by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).

Approximately 600–800 million years after the Big Bang, when the universe was only 5% of its current age, three enigmatic objects were discovered by an international team lead by Penn State researchers using the NIRSpec instrument aboard JWST as part of the RUBIES survey. Today, June 27, they published the discovery in Astrophysical Journal Letters.

The group examined spectral measurements, or the brightness of various light wavelengths that the objects emitted. They discovered evidence of “old” stars in their research that were hundreds of millions of years old—much older than would be predicted in a young universe.

Estimating that the objects are 100–1,000 times more massive than the supermassive black hole in our own Milky Way, the researchers stated they were also taken aback by signs of large supermassive black holes found in the same objects. Current models of supermassive black hole generation and galaxy growth expect galaxies and their black holes to grow together over billions of years of cosmic history, neither of which is predicted by these models.

“We have confirmed that these appear to be packed with ancient stars—hundreds of millions of years old—in a universe that is only 600–800 million years old. Remarkably, these objects hold the record for the earliest signatures of old starlight,” stated Bingjie Wang, the lead author of the work and a postdoctoral scientist at Penn State.

“It was totally unexpected to find old stars in a very young universe. The standard models of cosmology and galaxy formation have been incredibly successful, yet, these luminous objects do not quite fit comfortably into those theories.”

When JWST delivered its first dataset in July 2022, the scientists were able to see the enormous objects for the first time. The objects’ existence was confirmed by the researchers in a study that was published in Nature after several months.

Although they initially thought the objects might be galaxies, the researchers later took spectra to confirm their interpretation and gain a better understanding of the objects’ actual distances and the sources of their enormous luminosity.

Afterwards, using the fresh information, the scientists were able to create a more precise image of the galaxies’ appearance and contents. The group discovered evidence of very huge supermassive black holes and an unexpectedly old population of stars in addition to confirming that the objects were, in fact, galaxies close to the beginning of time.

Joel Leja, an assistant professor of astronomy and astrophysics at Penn State and a co-author of both publications, described the situation as “You can make this uncomfortably fit in our current model of the universe, but only if we evoke some exotic, insanely rapid formation at the beginning of time. This is, without a doubt, the most peculiar and interesting set of objects I’ve seen in my career.”

The JWST has infrared sensing sensors that can pick up light from even the oldest stars and galaxies around. According to Leja, the telescope basically lets scientists sight back in time to a point about 13.5 billion years ago, or close to the beginning of the universe as we know it.

Differentiating between the various kinds of items that could have emitted the light can be a challenge when analyzing ancient light. These early objects exhibit traits that are distinctly similar to both supermassive black holes and ancient stars.

Wang clarified that the amount of light observed from each source is still unknown, so these could be either more normal-mass galaxies with “overmassive” black holes, which are roughly 100–1,000 times more massive than a galaxy would have today, or they could be unexpectedly old and massive galaxies that formed much earlier than models predict.

“Distinguishing between light from material falling into a black hole and light emitted from stars in these tiny, distant objects is challenging,” Wang stated. “That inability to tell the difference in the current dataset leaves ample room for interpretation of these intriguing objects. Honestly, it’s thrilling to have so much of this mystery left to figure out.”

If some of the light originates from supermassive black holes, then in addition to their unexplained mass and age, they are also not your typical supermassive black holes. They emit significantly more ultraviolet photons than anticipated, and comparable objects observed with other sensors do not exhibit the typical indications of supermassive black holes, like intense X-ray emission and heated dust. The researchers speculated that their apparent size may be the most unexpected finding.

“Normally supermassive black holes are paired with galaxies,” Leja stated. “They grow up together and go through all their major life experiences together. But here, we have a fully formed adult black hole living inside of what should be a baby galaxy. That doesn’t really make sense, because these things should grow together, or at least that’s what we thought.”

The fact that these systems were only a few hundred light years across—roughly 1,000 times smaller than our own Milky Way—confounded the astronomers as well. With between 10 billion and 1 trillion stars, the number of stars is almost the same as that of our own Milky Way galaxy, yet they are contained in a volume 1,000 times smaller than that of the Milky Way.

Leja clarified that the closest star would be nearly within our solar system if the Milky Way were compressed to the size of the galaxies they discovered. Only roughly 26 light years would separate Earth and the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, which is located roughly 26,000 light years away, from Earth. It would appear as a gigantic pillar of light in the sky.

Further observations, according to the experts, may be able to shed light on some of the objects’ riddles. By directing the telescope at the objects for extended periods of time, they hope to obtain deeper spectra. By recognizing the distinct absorption signatures that would be present in each, this will assist detangle emission from stars and the possible supermassive black hole.

“There’s another way that we could have a breakthrough, and that’s just the right idea,” Leja stated. “We have all these puzzle pieces and they only fit if we ignore the fact that some of them are breaking. This problem is amenable to a stroke of genius that has so far eluded us, all of our collaborators and the entire scientific community.”s Given how enormous they appear to be.


Fascinating Bright Angel Rock Formation on Mars is Revealed by NASA’s Perseverance Rover



Scientists are interested in this location because of its distinctive light-colored rocks and possible clues about Mars’ wetter history. Neretva Vallis is a dried river channel that leads into Jezero Crater.

The rover’s difficult navigation across sand dunes and the remains of an old river on its way to this location demonstrated the commitment and accuracy needed for such missions.

After a difficult journey, the Perseverance rover arrived at Bright Angel on June 16, 2024. The location was given its name due to a remarkably pale rock protrusion that, in photographs captured from orbit, contrasted sharply with the Martian terrain.

Scientists were intrigued by its remarkable appearance and thought it might hold secrets about the planet’s hydrological and geological past. Perseverance had to traverse a difficult terrain made up of sand dunes and rocky areas on the way to Bright Angel, which put the rover’s capabilities and the mission team’s creativity to the test.

Because Bright Angel is situated at the edge of Neretva Vallis, an old river channel that formerly supplied water to Jezero Crater, the area around it is especially important. This link to an ancient water source creates fascinating questions regarding the origins of water on Mars.

Perseverance gave the mission team their first up-close looks at Bright Angel, indicating the possible significance of the site. High-resolution photos of the luminous, exposed rock were taken by the rover’s cameras, providing a window into the planet’s geological past.

Weeks of meticulous preparation and navigation culminated in Perseverance’s arrival at Bright Angel. To prevent hazards and guarantee the rover’s safe arrival, the Earth team painstakingly planned out its path. The rover’s effective navigation of the challenging terrain in spite of the obstacles showed the strength of its design and the competence of the mission planners. The expectation that Bright Angel will provide important insights about the origins of water on Mars and, consequently, the possibility that life ever existed on the planet, highlights the importance of reaching this location.

Perseverance started its extensive scientific examination as it arrived at Bright Angel. The PIXL (Planetary Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry), one of the instruments in the rover’s instrument suite, was used to thoroughly examine the rock formations. Scientists may examine the makeup and structure of rocks by using the PIXL device to measure light that bounces back from the surface after X-rays are scanned. This procedure is crucial to comprehending the region’s geological past and establishing whether or not it was ever inhabited.

The brightly colored boulders at Bright Angel drew the team’s attention in particular because they contrasted sharply with the surrounding Martian landscape. These rocks might be older geological material that erosion has revealed, providing a possible window into a period of Mars’ surface water flow. Scientists are hoping to learn more about the climatic and environmental conditions that prevailed on Mars billions of years ago by examining these formations.

Although the examination at Bright Angel is still in its early phases, the first results seem encouraging. Given their unusual appearance and position, the rocks may hold important secrets about the planet’s past. Scientists are eager to see the data that will help them put together Mars’ wetter history as Perseverance continues to examine the spot. The findings reported here may have a significant impact on how we perceive Mars and its capacity to support life.

Importance of the Results

Crucial information about the geological past of Mars may be gleaned from the rock formations of Bright Angel. These rocks, according to some experts, are earlier material that has been revealed by water erosion that is no longer there. According to this theory, learning more about Bright Angel may provide insight into the planet’s earlier, wetter history.

At Bright Angel, scientists have made some fascinating discoveries, including “popcorn rocks.” The densely packed spheres and mineral veins in these rocks imply that water once existed on Mars. Water carries and deposits minerals, a process that occurs on Earth and Mars and gives rise to mineral veins. This discovery supports the theory that there was once a lot of water activity on Mars.

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AI is changing sea ice melting climate projections




AI is changing sea ice melting climate projections

The tremendous melting of sea ice at the poles is one of the most urgent problems facing planet as it warms up so quickly. These delicate ecosystems, whose survival depends so heavily on floating ice, have a difficult and uncertain future.

As a result, climate scientists are using AI more and more to transform our knowledge of this vital habitat and the actions that can be taken to preserve it.

Determining the precise date at which the Arctic will become ice-free is one of the most urgent problems that must be addressed in order to develop mitigation and preservation strategies. A step toward this, according to Princeton University research scientist William Gregory, is to lower the uncertainty in climate models to produce these kinds of forecasts.

“This study was inspired by the need to improve climate model predictions of sea ice at the polar regions, as well as increase our confidence in future sea ice projections,” said Gregory.

Arctic sea ice is a major factor in the acceleration of global climate change because it cools the planet overall by reflecting solar radiation back into space. But because of climate change brought on by our reliance on gas, oil, and coal, the polar regions are warming considerably faster than the rest of the world. When the sea is too warm for ice to form, more solar radiation is absorbed by the Earth’s surface, which warms the climate even more and reduces the amount of ice that forms.

Because of this, polar sea ice is extremely important even outside of the poles. The Arctic Ocean will probably eventually have no sea ice in the summer, which will intensify global warming’s effects on the rest of the world.

AI coming to the rescue

Predictions of the atmosphere, land, sea ice, and ocean are consistently biased as a result of errors in climate models, such as missing physics and numerical approximations. Gregory and his colleagues decided to use a kind of deep learning algorithm known as a convolutional neural network for the first time in order to get around these inherent problems with sea ice models.

“We often need to approximate certain physical laws in order to save on [computational] time,” wrote the team in their study. “Therefore, we often use a process called data assimilation to combine our climate model predictions together with observations, to produce our ‘best guess’ of the climate system. The difference between best-guess-models and original predictions provides clues as to how wrong our original climate model is.”

The team aims to show a computer algorithm  “lots of examples of sea ice, atmosphere and ocean climate model predictions, and see if it can learn its own inherent sea ice errors” according to their study published in JAMES.

Gregory explained that the neural network “can predict how wrong the climate model’s sea ice conditions are, without actually needing to see any sea ice observations,” which means that once it learns the features of the observed sea ice, it can correct the model on its own.

They achieved this by using climate model-simulated variables such as sea ice velocity, salinity, and ocean temperature. In the model, each of these factors adds to the overall representation of the Earth’s climate.

“Model state variables are simply physical fields which are represented by the climate model,” explained Gregory. “For example, sea-surface temperature is a model state variable and corresponds to the temperature in the top two meters of the ocean.

“We initially selected state variables based on those which we thought a-priori are likely to have an impact on sea ice conditions within the model. We then confirmed which state variables were important by evaluating their impact on the prediction skill of the [neural network],” explained Gregory.

In this instance, the most important input variables were found to be surface temperature and sea ice concentration—much fewer than what most climate models require to replicate sea ice. In order to fix the model prediction errors, the team then trained the neural network on decades’ worth of observed sea ice maps.

An “increment” is an additional value that indicates how much the neural network was able to enhance the model simulation. It is the difference between the initial prediction made by the model without AI and the corrected model state.

A revolution in progress

Though it is still in its early stages, artificial intelligence is becoming more and more used in climate science. According to Gregory, he and his colleagues are currently investigating whether their neural network can be applied to scenarios other than sea ice.

“The results show that it is possible to use deep learning models to predict the systematic [model biases] from data assimilation increments, and […] reduce sea ice bias and improve model simulations,” said Feiyu Lu, project scientist at UCAR and NOAA/GFDL, and involved in the same project that funded this study.

“Since this is a very new area of active research, there are definitely some limitations, which also makes it exciting,” Lu added. “It will be interesting and challenging to figure out how to apply such deep learning models in the full climate models for climate predictions.”  

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For a brief moment, a 5G satellite shines brightest in the night sky




An as of late sent off 5G satellite occasionally turns into the most splendid article in the night sky, disturbing cosmologists who figure it in some cases becomes many times more brilliant than the ongoing suggestions.

Stargazers are progressively concerned human-created space equipment can obstruct their exploration endeavors. In Spring, research showed the quantity of Hubble pictures photobombed in this manner almost multiplied from the 2002-2005 period to the 2018-2021 time span, for instance.

Research in Nature this week shows that the BlueWalker 3 satellite — model unit intended to convey 4 and 5G telephone signals — had become quite possibly of the most brilliant item in the night sky and multiple times surpass suggested limits many times over.

The exploration depended on a worldwide mission which depended on perceptions from both novice and expert perceptions made in Chile, the US, Mexico, New Zealand, the Netherlands and Morocco.

BlueWalker 3 has an opening of 693 square feet (64m2) – about the size of a one-room condo – to interface with cellphones through 3GPP-standard frequencies. The size of the exhibit makes a huge surface region which reflects daylight. When it was completely conveyed, BlueWalker 3 became as splendid as Procyon and Achernar, the most brilliant stars in the heavenly bodies of Canis Minor and Eridanus, separately.

The examination – drove by Sangeetha Nandakumar and Jeremy Tregloan-Reed, both of Chile’s Universidad de Atacama, and Siegfried Eggl of the College of Illinois – likewise took a gander at the effect of the impacts of Send off Vehicle Connector (LVA), the spaceflight holder which frames a dark chamber.

The review found the LVA arrived at an evident visual size of multiple times more splendid than the ongoing Worldwide Cosmic Association suggestion of greatness 7 after it discarded the year before.

“The normal form out of groups of stars with a huge number of new, brilliant items will make dynamic satellite following and evasion methodologies a need for ground-based telescopes,” the paper said.

“Notwithstanding numerous endeavors by the airplane business, strategy creators, cosmologists and the local area on the loose to relieve the effect of these satellites on ground-based stargazing, with individual models, for example, the Starlink Darksat and VisorSat moderation plans and Bragg coatings on Starlink Gen2 satellites, the pattern towards the send off of progressively bigger and more splendid satellites keeps on developing.

“Influence appraisals for satellite administrators before send off could assist with guaranteeing that the effect of their satellites on the space and Earth conditions is fundamentally assessed. We empower the execution of such investigations as a component of sending off approval processes,” the exploration researchers said.

Last month, Vodafone professed to have made the world’s most memorable space-based 5G call put utilizing an unmodified handset with the guide of the AST SpaceMobile-worked BlueWalker 3 satellite.

Vodafone said the 5G call was made on September 8 from Maui, Hawaii, to a Vodafone engineer in Madrid, Spain, from an unmodified Samsung World S22 cell phone, utilizing the WhatsApp voice and informing application.

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