AI Revolution

India is the Most Adopting Country in Asia Pacific for Generative AI

India is the Most Adopting Country in Asia Pacific for Generative AIIndia is the Most Adopting Country in Asia Pacific for Generative AI

India's use of Generative AI (GenAI) is demonstrated in a research produced by Deloitte titled Generative AI in Asia Pacific:…

As ChatGPT turns one, big tech is in charge

As ChatGPT turns one, big tech is in chargeAs ChatGPT turns one, big tech is in charge

The AI revolution has arrived a year after ChatGPT's historic release, but any uncertainty about Big Tech's dominance has been…

Google and Microsoft are remaking their universes around AI

Google and Microsoft are remaking their universes around AIGoogle and Microsoft are remaking their universes around AI

Significant item declarations this week from Microsoft and Google show how decided both tech monsters are to incorporate generative man-made…

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