
AI’s impact on productivity standards

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has become a disruptive force in the rapidly changing field of technology, completely changing our ideas…

Software developers were still worth more in 2023 than capital, but artificial intelligence could change that

Even in an era of expensive borrowing and high interest rates, many business executives are voting for software engineers in…

In the AI race, French startup Mistral AI becomes a unicorn

Mistral AI, a Paris-based artificial intelligence startup, raised €385 million, or $415 million, in its second funding round in seven…

Europe agrees to the first comprehensive AI regulations in history

The first comprehensive artificial intelligence regulations in history were reached by European Union negotiators on Friday, opening the door for…

GPT-4 Turbo and Dall-E 3 Are Added to Microsoft Copilot for Windows 11

Microsoft announced in a press release on Tuesday that Copilot, the AI assistant built into Windows 11, will be receiving some upgrades for more capable text and image generation. The most recent AI model, GPT-4 Turbo, from OpenAI, the company that created ChatGPT, will be available for Windows…

Microsoft Bing has added generative AI feature called Deep Search

Microsoft today unveiled Deep Search, a new generative AI feature that is optional and designed to assist users with difficult-to-answer questions. How it functions. The web index and ranking system of Bing serve as the foundation for Deep Search. In…

A security executive at Microsoft refers to generative AI as a “super power” in the industry

Vasu Jakkal, a security executive at Microsoft, stated that generative artificial intelligence is crucial to the company's cybersecurity business in…

Gen AI without the dangers

It's understandable that ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, and DreamStudio-Generative AI are making headlines. The outcomes are striking and getting better geometrically.…

Will Smartphone Apps Eventually Become Extinct Due To Artificial Intelligence?

The smartphone revolution was sped up when Steve Jobs unveiled the original iPhone in 2007, which came with a limited…

The gaming revolution brought about by AI

Given how much AI is being discussed in 2023, one could assume that it only suddenly made an appearance in…



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