Google Doodle Google is working with Sony to integrate 360 Reality Audio into its mobile OS 4 years ago The tech guarantees immersive sound that feels like it's coming from all directions. Notwithstanding debuting in 2019, Sony's vivid 360… Google Doodle Celebrates Uganda Independence Day 2020 4 years ago The present Doodle observes Uganda's Independence Day in recognition of the date in 1962 when the East African nation shed… Vietnam’s Mid Autumn Festival 2020: Celebrates To Google Doodle 4 years ago The present Doodle honors Vietnam's Mid-Autumn Festival or Tết Trung Thu, a yearly occasion saw on the date of the… Google Doodle Celebrates Japanese Mid Autumn Festival 2020 4 years ago The present Doodle remembers the Japanese Mid Autumn Festival, otherwise called Otsukimi (お月見), which means "moon viewing." Dedicated to the… Eileen Chang: Google Doodle Celebrates Chinese-born writer and translator’s 100th Birthday 4 years ago The present Doodle praises the centennial birthday of Chinese-conceived author and interpreter Eileen Chang. Commended for her elegant composing style,… Google Doodle honors ‘Zohra Segal’ iconic Indian actress and dancer 4 years ago The present Doodle, outlined by guest artist Parvati Pillai, celebrates iconic Indian actress and dancer Zohra Segal, one of the… Nicaragua Independence Day 2020: Celebrated To Google Doodle 5 years ago The present Doodle observes Nicaragua's Independence Day. On this date in 1821, the nation alongside present-day Costa Rica, El Salvador,… Google Doodle honors Guatemala Independence Day 2020 5 years ago The present Doodle praises Guatemala's Independence Day, a public occasion set apart by festivity over this uneven Central American country.… Summer Season 2020: Google Doodle marks start of summer in northern hemisphere with charming representation 5 years ago Google Doodle denoted the start of the late spring season in the northern hemisphere with a cute realistic. Google denoted… Icelandic National Day 2020 Celebrates To Google Doodle 5 years ago Today’s Doodle observes Iceland National Day, which happens on this day every year to recollect the establishing of the Republic… Next»