Universal Basic Income

BarterUnit – The New Income Distribution System and Universal Basic Income (UBI) Program, Gaining Worldwide Attraction

BarterUnit – The New Income Distribution System and Universal Basic Income (UBI) Program, Gaining Worldwide AttractionBarterUnit – The New Income Distribution System and Universal Basic Income (UBI) Program, Gaining Worldwide Attraction

Have you heard of Barter Units? Barter Units is a new alternative digital currency that is spreading like wildfire. The…

BarterUnit LLC launches a Privatized Currency and Universal Basic Income (UBI) program. Will you join?

BarterUnit LLC launches a Privatized Currency and Universal Basic Income (UBI) program. Will you join?BarterUnit LLC launches a Privatized Currency and Universal Basic Income (UBI) program. Will you join?

Phillip H. Perez Founder & CEO of BarterUnit LLC has developed a privatized digital currency – called the Barter Unit. The…

BarterUnit – The first full-spectrum privatized community currency system with an embedded Universal Basic Income (UBI) program, aiming to change the status quo meaning of money

BarterUnit – The first full-spectrum privatized community currency system with an embedded Universal Basic Income (UBI) program, aiming to change the status quo meaning of moneyBarterUnit – The first full-spectrum privatized community currency system with an embedded Universal Basic Income (UBI) program, aiming to change the status quo meaning of money

Have you heard of the BarterUnit app? If you’re an individual experiencing a shortage in cash, and you’re willing to…

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