WCTC Introduces AI-Centric Startup Accelerator Program

To support technology-focused entrepreneurs, especially those engaged in artificial intelligence (AI), Waukesha County Technical College has introduced a new accelerator program.

The gALPHA and gBETA Applied AI Lab accelerators, which WCTC and startup group gener8tor recently announced, include plans to bring in businesses from the Waukesha County area to help support other entrepreneurs in the area.

WCTC President Richard Barnhouse praised the college’s wider focus on artificial intelligence in a statement about the new programs, saying, “This is a tremendous opportunity for entrepreneurs to partner with a premiere, results-driven organization such as gener8tor and have the support of WCTC faculty and staff.”

In light of the introduction of short-term AI certifications in the fall of 2023, the college earlier this year announced the creation of the new Applied AI Lab innovation center. The first two-year AI degree program in the state will launch this autumn with WCTC’s associate degree program for AI data specialists.

The newly announced accelerator program, according to lab director Dan Lindberg, would “further spur innovation” in southeast Wisconsin and increase demand for jobs connected to artificial intelligence.

“We’re ensuring the benefits of AI are enjoyed by businesses of all sizes and types by assisting Waukesha County entrepreneurs in creating data-driven, AI-enabled businesses,” he stated.

Those interested in launching a business can use the four-week gALPHA Applied AI Lab program, which is a “venture creation” workshop led by gener8tor specialists. The program employs data and AI to assist people create startup enterprises. Mentors and strategic partners are a few examples of them.

Connected to gener8tor’s free seven-week accelerator program, which provides access to the national network of the accelerator network and specialized mentoring, is the gBETA Applied AI Lab accelerator. As per the statement, the program is designed for those who are at a later stage of their startup journey and plans to provide its alumni with the skills to establish local relationships and secure funding.

The lead program manager position to supervise the gBETA accelerator is now open at WCTC and gener8tor. Applications for the gALPHA program are being accepted right now; it starts on September 18.

Categories: Technology
Kajal Chavan:


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