What Email Marketing Will Look Like In 2020

Digital marketing has become common in recent years but it is still far from being dull. Email is one of the most effective methods in digital marketing to market your products and services. With every passing year, the new trends and methods are developed to keep emails interesting and easily readable for users.

With more than half a year already passed let us have a look at how email marketing will progress through this and next few years. These are the trends that businesses have focused on in the current year for digital marketing.


Segmentation is breaking the content into small and select compartments and making sure to deliver only the relevant content to the customer. This may seem to be an idea that is missing on some additional opportunity to share more information with the customer to generate a lead. But the truth is it is the right approach as the customers have become more aware and ignore the email if it has too much content that is not relevant to them.

You can understand segmentation as a personally customized email for every customer based on his/her interests and needs. It requires a lot more work as compared to a single email for everyone with too much content in it.

If your business already has some specialized products or services then segmentation is of no use. While doing segmentation make sure each part of separated content is complete and can stand on its own.

Easy Opt-Out:

Easy opt-out is a user empowerment feature that allows users to unsubscribe from your email list without having a look at the content of the email. Businesses may think of it as a negative thing but it may be potentially a positive thing for businesses in the long run. No doubt seeing a customer unsubscribe without reading your content is not a great scene but let us have a look at its positive side.

According to Write My Essay Today, businesses need to take easy opt-out from customers as a message to know that their content is no more interesting and engaging for them. Marketers have to up their game in email marketing when it comes to quality and content. Readers are using easy opt-out option only because they know what is coming their way through this email.  So the trend has changed to make sure the content adds some value to the customer so that they can have a look at it.

Graphic Quality:

Quality content with bad graphics will not have an impact on customers. Total quality is important in email marketing that includes content and graphics. It is important to invest in graphics quality of the email as well.

The email providers are also overhauling, upgrading, and redesigning the look to make it a more comfortable, better, and high-quality user experience. So keeping in view this trend of email providers, businesses need to redesign email headers and layouts as well to provide the users with quality graphics that are not the only eye-catching but unique as well.

Categories: Business
Hannah Barwell: Hannah Barwell is the most renowned for his short stories. She writes stories as well as news related to the technology. She wrote number of books in her five years career. And out of those books she sold around 25 books. She has more experience in online marketing and news writing. Recently she is onboard with Apsters Media as a freelance writer.

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